Content Harry Potter


Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 11:58am

Good chapter. While I did enjoy the Lost & Found storys a lot, I'm really glad to see you coming back to this story. Many thanks for sharing it with us.

brad posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 9:20pm

Ah, this was great! It felt like I was reading a forgotten chapter of TLOS. Back on track with Harry's training, Abelard & Co. and the war.

I just had to grin at Dumbledore's continual errors in his second-guessing of Jasmine as to how she and Beckman recovered the locket. Good stuff, clever, and another example of how fan fiction can both build on the base literature and also glean other riches out of the readers' knowledge of canon.

Since when has Ginny had a 'nearly photographic memory'? Jeeze, don't make her out to be *too* perfect!! I've never seen a sign of her being particularly good in academic pursuits (and a 'nearly photographic memory' would be of great assistance in that area) in either canon or TLOS? My 'Ginny-Sue' detectors started vibrating when I read that bit.

The discussion between Jasmine and the twins regarding their outsiders' view of Harry was refreshing and a neat way to put things back on track, I thought. Thanks for the chapter!

Kokopelli replied:

The problem with backstory is you just don't know all the stuff in my head.   Ginny had a very visual memory - which means that she can tell you what you were wearing when you first met five years ago.   It doesn't translate, however, into being able to remember everything she's ever read, as that's actually a different type of memory linking.

I enjoyed having Jasmine show up Dumbledore as to how inept he was at dealing with the Birdbath of Doom in HBP.   Puh-leeze!   Any decent curse breaker could have walked through that gauntlet - but it ends up killing Dumb-as-a-door.   Sheesh!

We'll see some more of Mary and Martha, and a bit more of Jasmine, but they don't figure heavily into the next few stories.


DaZZa posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 1:58pm

I believe the "nothing propinks like propinquity" quote is the title of a chapter in "Diamonds are Forever" - and seeing as it's one of Dudley's cast off books, I find it's more likely to be James Bond than it is anyone else.

Do I get a cookie? :-) :-)

Kokopelli replied:

Yes, you do.   Today's cookie is almond.

Deborahsu posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 11:34am

It's been so long, I hardly remember what happened before! But I do--so thanks for the update! I do look forward to the next, and have been enjoying your H-G story ... so the wait wasn't SO bad. ;-)

seeker77 posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 10:42am

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! worth the wait as usual. Great writing worth waiting for

Gardengirl posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 8:21am

Well, John, it ain't me. But now I'm curious too!

Great chapter, thanks for sharing. I like Mary and Martha and sincerely hope they are good guys. I'd LOVE for the twins to find twin women as bewildering to them as they are to the rest of wizardkind.

Have a great weekend!

Kokopelli replied:

We will see more of both twins.

noahshonor posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 6:42am

Well! I like Kinsfires disclaimer nearly as much as your lack of one.

A much better and creative solution to recovering the Horcrux than in HBP. Your stories are always compelling and I look forward to every episode!

cmzanna posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 4:45am

Yay John, absolutely delicious chapter. Christmas came early for me today :) great to get back into the TLOS universe and see my favorite dragons again. Love Mary & Martha - just what Gred & Forge need to balance theirselves, LOL.

can't wait to see what else will happen, nice plot turns and twists and I'm enjoying how you've incorporated the horcrux issues into this.

Amamama posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 4:23am

Thank you ever so much for this wonderful glimpse into the TLOS universe. I am rather fond of the Harry and Ginny you've got here, and the dragons are a hoot. Don't worry about getting side-tracked as long as the side track results in something as wonderful as you Harry/Gabrialle tale, and as long as you keep getting back to this. I don't mean to be demanding, this is just some of the best stuff there is, so of course I want more. ;-)


millercommamatt posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 3:59am


Are you a Babylon 5 fan by any chance? The Dragon in Ginny's head would make a good Vorlon. Anyway, your work is expectional as always. Thank you!

The best to you and yours,

Kokopelli replied:

Actually, I never saw a single episode of B5.

Crys posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 1:30am

> So, Harry doesn’t die, he still loves me, but the bond breaks for some reason that you won’t tell me about that involves Harry’s destiny.

I'm with you, Ginny. That dragon is becoming annoying. I do have a theory, though . . .

> "He is the one who was and who will be."
Sounds like something Delenn would say. The rest of the conversation doesn't sound like Kosh's style, who's the other possibility.

Are you perchance a B5 fan, Kokopelli?

Ha! The twins have finally met their match!

> I never knew that spiders could scream.
Quite a way to say a great deal by not saying anything at all on point.

Glad to see this story hasn't faded away. Still a fun yarn. Loorking forward to the next.

Kokopelli replied:

Foreshadowing, of course   -   this fits into the final battle story.   And no, I never saw B5   -   I don't watch much tv.

KateHC posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 1:30am

I'm not one of readers from Quebec. California here.
But I am delighted to read more of the Tales from Sixth Grade.
Mary and Martha are great additions.

werewolph posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 1:13am

Great story. Read both Letters and Sfsy about 4 times through now, loved them every time. Looking forward to next update.

Sean Dillon posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 1:04am

Great! Glad to see an update.

amulder posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 11:26pm

Finally! Good Read, John. I like Mary/Martha.
Not until the end did I realize that there wasn't a speck of Harry-POV.

The reverse strip was funny, especially when you reveal that it was just a decoy anyway.


Kokopelli replied:

Yup, how useful could that be?

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 10:01pm

Ah, that was a delightful bit, my friend. I like the way you smoothly wove your existing story together with new info from HBP. It will be interesting to see if Gred and Forge step up and court Mary and Martha. *wicked chuckle* Imagine the fate that would befall death nibblers who interrupt -that- double date.

Aberforth's Avatar posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 8:28pm

I liked this quite a lot. It's a bit comforting to read a piece of this story again, like meeting up with an old friend unexpectedly. Alternating between Ginny and Jasmine's POV was a very interresting and effective tactic. I do wonder where you are going with the 'harry's detiny' thread. I look forward to reading more as your Muse allows.

Thanks for sharing thi story with us.

jilumasam posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 7:55pm

Nicely Done! It's great to catch up with Harry and Ginny and Co.


MercuryBlue posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 7:09pm

Okay, I've checked Wikipedia, I've checked Google, I'd check the library but it's three am so it's closed, I'm still clueless; what on earth is a Stygian Fountain?

It's been a while since I've read anything in TLOS-world, but I think this chapter reminded me of all the important details. Very good.

Kokopelli replied:

A Stygian fountain is a fountain that flows with water from the river Styx.   Now, go figure.

anonymous5 posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 3:22pm

You know, your "little Harry-Gabrielle tale" was so deliciously good that it actually displaced all my memories of this story. Few authors have managed that successfully in the past. :P Thanks for the update; it was, as always, a joy to read!