Content Harry Potter


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 18th April 2007 1:00am for A chat in the dark



CootiePatootie posted a comment on Tuesday 19th December 2006 8:43am for A chat in the dark

"Thinking that I might be lying on top of my sheets, wearing just a thin, oversized tee-shirt?" Ginny asked.

"Now you’re fighting dirty," Harry said.

"I’m a Weasley," Ginny said

Just perfect.

Love it, as I do all of your work.



saugart posted a comment on Saturday 2nd December 2006 9:18am for A chat in the dark

Ah, this was indeed a pleasure. You wrote in the email you sent announcing this story's availability that "It's been done before", but I personally have not read as good a one.

It didn't look like an old warmed-over cliche as far as I was concerned.

MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Friday 1st December 2006 12:55pm for A chat in the dark


even Percy’s, which just moved away from Persona Non Grata."
-made me laugh

Gardengirl posted a comment on Thursday 30th November 2006 12:03pm for A chat in the dark

Awwwww... thanks!

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Thursday 30th November 2006 4:49am for A chat in the dark

Awww, that was so sweet. I agree about Ginny's reaction. Lovely drabble.

Crys posted a comment on Thursday 30th November 2006 4:38am for A chat in the dark

> Ginny said. "Silk scarves, whipped cream, the works."
Careful, Koko. You may endanger your NSNS rank :)

Nice drabble.

Kokopelli replied:

Well, Harry did observe that she was fighting dirty.   Maybe I'll have to write up that fantasy and post it on my lj.


Eric2 posted a comment on Thursday 30th November 2006 3:34am for A chat in the dark

Nice, low-keyed, and very sweet.

HermioneGreen posted a comment on Thursday 30th November 2006 2:32am for A chat in the dark

what a wonderful scene.

Thanks for sharing


seeker77 posted a comment on Thursday 30th November 2006 2:22am for A chat in the dark

Sounds like it could be a workable story. Still, TLOS and SFSY are what hooked me. You have a very creative writing style (my sons are reading your work now, so I dont get the time to review everything) keep up the great work

Kokopelli replied:

My son reads and re-reads TLOS.   He's a fan.

The Resident posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 9:35pm for A chat in the dark

Another cute chapter, now if you could only get a story for it to go to... Anyway, I enjoy these snippets. Hopefully it will inspire you or someone else to write the story. I always look forward to the next one.

Kokopelli replied:

Well, as the question of the story that follows thereafter, that's JKR's job.

But I am returning to the story that follows Maskirova.

Amamama posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 7:59pm for A chat in the dark

Finally Harry gets some sense knocked into his scull. Wonder if JKR will do it like this? She should, at least something similar. The Weasleys all are in mortal peril, no matter how close their relationship to Harry is. They're just too honest, brave and caring to please The Bigot as anything but victims of his whims. Might as well go full out and fill their - and Harry's - life with love. Lovely, enticing entrée - I guess there will be more coming?


Kokopelli replied:

More?   Not on this story, but I am returning to Along the Way...

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 4:39pm for A chat in the dark

*chuckle* A nice, enjoyable little vignette there.


jilumasam posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:21pm for A chat in the dark

Nice! I love how this story just dumps us right in the middle. Leaving us to use our imaginations to create a beginning and an end.

David posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 12:10pm for A chat in the dark

Too bad JKR's unlikely to handle it this way... this is an intriguing opener, with great potential :)

KateHC posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 12:07pm for A chat in the dark

That Ginny is no slouch in any way. Harry might as well give up.

RhymesWithOrange posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 11:32am for A chat in the dark

Once again you've managed to put together the smallest glimpse of a fic that I'd really love to see the rest of. Excellent work.

Chris1 posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 10:15am for A chat in the dark

Really nice little ficlet here :)

Thanks for sharing


Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 9:45am for A chat in the dark

Nice little scene. Thanks for sharing it with us.