Content Harry Potter


ILikeToRead posted a comment on Thursday 25th February 2016 2:00am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Thanks for sharing!

lwj2 posted a comment on Friday 19th February 2016 8:26am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

These two chapters are both a good read and fascinating. Have you and Mr. Intel put the complete story up somewhere, I couldn't find it on either of your sites here on FFA.

Thanks for sharing, and warmest regards.


Stanley Chalk posted a comment on Tuesday 31st March 2009 12:36pm for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

I like this story. Could you tell me if this story is continued or is this where The Phoenix Reborn ends? To me this story is to good to end here.

Kokopelli replied:

Thanks for writing, Stan.

The vault is where I put odds and ends of stories.

Mr.Intel wanted to do a story with me - The Phoenix Reborn - we had a rough outline, and I wrote a chapter and a half that he was going to work on incorporating into "his" chapters.   Around that time his real life got busy, so he took a rather long hiatus from writing fan fiction - I parked my chapters in the Vault here.

This teaser chapter is from a story that I outlined years ago, set in the TLOS universe - it's called Ever After - Ron marries Hermione, Harry marries Ginny, and then after 20 plus years of marriage, Ron and Ginny die - so Widow Weasley and Widower Potter end up together.

I've always liked to write about second chances, and I wanted to play around with Harry/Hermione, but make the characters believable.

I'll probably never write Ever After, but if the winning bidder from my auction asks for a chapter, I may write a stand alone short story in that story arc, or whatever the winner requests (within reason).

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 4:39pm for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Loving it... would truly love to be able to read the whole thing.

Christopher Patton posted a comment on Wednesday 7th February 2007 8:07am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

I'd like to see this story continued someday, it seems to have real potential.

DJ posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:41pm for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

You should keep this one going its grate. If you don't can you at least tell me if he gets his magic back?

Particle_Accelerator posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 5:04am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

This is a very intersting story - is this being posted in its entirity elsewhere? Is this all that is written for it? I love the H-Hr dynamic that is developing. Keep up the good work!

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 31st March 2006 7:23am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

That's nice.

Rotten about Meggan, though--She loves Harry, Harry doesn't love her back, but does care for her. And Hermione loves Harry, too. Quite the problem, I'd be interested in how it turns out; however, I expect that either Meggan gets the short end of the stick, or ends up dead. (Seems to happen in a lot of fan fiction - author puts Harry with someone else for a while, but then kills off the "wrong woman" to get Harry with the Right one.)

Thanks for writing, hope it gets finished some day.

Kokopelli replied:

The character dies when they're wearing a red shirt - Meggan prefers white or green, depending upon whether she's wearing any underwear or not.   I don't recall whether or not we killed her off - she did have a role to play later in the story - if I recall correctly, Harry leaves her the DIY Ironmonger store.   I did enjoy writing this tale, but Mr. Intel didn't have the time to keep working on it - perhaps another day.

Jack B Nimble posted a comment on Thursday 23rd March 2006 1:08am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Oh, man... You have such a nice touch, and these chapters are special. I just hate that there isn't more to this.

Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd March 2006 8:25pm for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

I like it. I can see Harry and Hermione working this out. Thanks for sharing your vault. This could be a good au.

brad posted a comment on Tuesday 21st March 2006 10:54pm for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Damn, I enjoyed reading this. Big grin on my face as I absorbed it.

I guess one reason why lies in it scratching the 'itch' I've had ever since I read the prologue - 'teaser' might be a better word - that you two dropped on Portkey lo, these many months past. I was quite taken by the proposed subject back then and was eager to see more.

It's an interesting plot line, too ... not the tried and true "Harry beats dark lord and graduates Hogwarts on the same day" cliche, something fresh.

Some of the good H/Hr authors have always said (even before HBP) that they believed that H/Hr would only eventuate post-Hogwarts. There's a sense of 'maturity' about this that's very appealing ... because they've grown up and are living as independent adults, I guess. Your Hermione in particular has evolved from the depend-on-teachers-and-authority-figures girl to becoming, in fact, the head authority figure.

I'm a H/Hr man by default, and one reason is because I see so much more 'history' between Harry and Hermione that can be capitalised by a good author were they to grow into romantic relationship. I'll read any good HP story, irrespective of the 'ship', if the author makes me believe in the attraction and that the girl is right for Harry ... it's just that - up until HBP, funny how I keep forgetting the sixth 'canon' book - I thought Hermione had the most material which a writer could use to mix into a romance. Another reason to like this. Even the faint reminder in their reminiscing and Harry's interrogation questions helped remind me of the depth of their past together.

And finally, unlike the bits and pieces you've given us lately, this reads as part of something big, that has one wondering throughout "I wonder what's going to happen next?". Maybe I've been reading too many drabbles lately and needed something with a more epic feel. Bittersweet reason, this last, of course, since we're unlikely to see any more of this story.

I'm particularly wondering, of course, on how Harry will get his magic back (never for an instant do I believe you'd leave him as a squib). If Hermione could never do much magic with a phoenix wand perhaps it's still a case of the wand being at fault. I think I remember Harry disapparating through the Hogwarts wards in the prologue - maybe his magic was 'stripped' off him by that act, and it's still trapped in the wards waiting to be re-absorbed. Maybe Harry's magic has grown back, and he hasn't noticed? Perhaps he's had it all the time, and it's just a mental block which is precluding him from using it (the melodramatic part of me - I'm getting worse every day - can see him suddenly breaking the mental barrier and finding his magic to defend Hermione in a time of crisis ... sad, aren't I?). I guess I'll never find out.

And I would have liked to see them together, too; wonder what would be the ice-breaking even that would do it for them? Although Harry's already admitted that the 'best friend' filter is off ... I enjoyed the little 'together' H/G moments in TLOS and would have liked to have seen your H/Hr version.

It was nice to see Moey again, too, even if it was in a different universe.

A bit of suspension of disbelief required to hold that an eighteen year old schoolgirl would be appointed to head a nation -- not that I don't believe Hermione capable of the job - if anyone could do it, it would be her, and I liked how you presented the case/history of that in such a matter-of-fact manner - but I can't see a society populated by adults up to 160+ years in age permitting it.

Actually, thinking about it, I thought the prologue was aimed at the two of them having to (struggle to) 'rebuild the wizarding world', but from this chapter it seems like everything is running fairly smoothly - nice office environment, civilised times and meals, secretary, etc. None of the dystopian feel that I thought you two were going to be aiming for.

Thanks for releasing the snippets, it made for a good read.

Kokopelli replied:

Note that this is the first part of Chapter 5 - in the next part of Chapter 5 (outlined but not written) there's an attempted kidnapping where Hermione is the target - Harry discovers that his magic is not quite gone.   The problem in Chapter 1 came from magical exhaustion - when Harry put his wand away for two years his batteries recharged.

I enjoyed this story, but I didn't want to write it alone - if Mr.Intel wants to kick this back into life, I'll start working on it again.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 21st March 2006 6:19am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Very good. Can't wait to read more.


Gardengirl posted a comment on Tuesday 21st March 2006 1:21am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Wow! I'd love to read the rest of this! Thanks for sharing :D


jilumasam posted a comment on Monday 20th March 2006 1:10pm for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

An interesting pair of chapters. I like the idea of Harry losing his magic - makes a lot of sense when I sit and think about it.

I'm not sure if I ever want to find out what happens from here on. Sometimes the joy of reading these stand-a-lones is the fun you have in constructiong your own endings...


ZanyMuggle posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 4:52pm for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Why is it that this vault contains more treasure than is accessible to the masses?

In other words: Wow! These are excellent ideas! If you don't plan to release them beyond the niblets here, why not release them as is, separately, in what few chapters exist?

Each of these ideas are so good, so worthwhile, that I need to review them separately. I hope I managae to do so.

Crys posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 12:19pm for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Interesting premise you two were building.

I know I recognize Moey from somewhere. Presumably one of your (or MrIntel's) recycled characters.

Neat idea.

David Thacker posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 10:41am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Are there more to this chapter and the one before it?Thank you for this story and the time and effort that you have put in to it.Please ignore any and all flames.Enjoy your self when you write and have fun in your life when you can.

The Resident posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 8:52am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Thank you for another lovely piece from your 'vault'. Maybe someone with more imagination and ability than I have will be able to do something with it. All the snippets you have presented are worthy of becoming full blown stories (if not novels) -grin-

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 7:37am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

It's a shame this was abandoned; it's very well written and a reasonably fresh take on their post-war relationships. Meghan is definitely an enjoyable Original Character, and having her as Harry's Chinese Obligation (when you save someone's life, you're responsible for them) adds an interesting dynamic to Hermione's attempts to reconnect with Harry.

Abandoned or not, it was an enjoyable read. Perhaps someday you or your partner will decide to continue it. It's certainly worth the effort.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 7:20am for The Phoenix Reborn - Chapter 5a - Deja vu all over again

Very good couple of chapters. Pity about the rest of the story. :-)

I'm assuming that Moey in this one is just a re-used character and that this isn't a sequel to Letters of Summer. I just can't see Letters ending up here with this 'flavor'.